Septentrio was started in year 2000, as a spin-off of imec, the world's largest and most advanced semiconductor research institute with over 2500 researchers. From the start, we used the most advanced semiconductor designs for low power, high performance and disturbance mitigation. The nearby KULeuven University is one of Europe’s leading universities and is an excellent source of top talent in areas such as signal processing and advanced algorithms, although we attract top specialists from around the world. We continue to work with imec and several highly specialized partners to build the best GNSS receivers in the world.
From its inception, Septentrio has been involved in many programs for the European Space Agency and the Galileo GNSS program. As an example, we developed the first receivers to decode the advanced signals from a Galileo satellite and have tested and validated all Galileo signals ever since, including the PRS signals.
We see it as our mission to make you win in your markets, by providing you with the world's best GPS/GNSS receivers for demanding applications. As your long-term partner, our job is to provide you with competitive products, our deep understanding of the technology, and the committed support that make all the difference to your success.
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