For our customer, ESOC in Darmstadt, Germany, we are seeking for Flight Dynamics Operations Engineers who should provide support to Science missions in one of the following domains:
-GNC telemetry monitoring
-GNC command generation
-Orbit Determination
-Trajectory optimization
but who might be requested to assume the responsibility and perform activities for additional service, missions and activities within the scope of general Flight Dynamics operations engineering services.
Primary activities are related to EXOMARS RSP, JUICE and EUCLID but they may also be required for missions like GAIA, Bepi Colombo, Mars Express, ExoMars TGO and Hera.
This is a full-time position to be located at ESOC’s premises in Darmstadt with the planned start date as soon as possible in 2021 but not later than 1st February 2021. Approx. 400 hours per year of on-call and one European mission per year are foreseen.
The general activities to be supported by the service are, depending on the assigned task and phase of the mission:
Command Generation:
• Execution of and support to operational tasks
• Generation of task related command parameters
• Generation of task related reports
Mission Planning Support:
• Execution of and support to operational tasks
• Generation of mission planning related products, such as schedules and planning input
Attitude and TM monitoring:
• Retrieval of TM of the on-board GNC systems
• Decoding and analysis of GNC TM
• Sensor and actuator calibration
• Generation of auxiliary data for mission exploitation
Trajectory optimization:
• Trajectory definition
• Analysis and implementation of trajectory targets and constraints
• Trajectory optimisation and determination of optimum manoeuvre strategies.
Orbit determination:
• Pre-processing of measurements
• Orbit determination
• Generation of orbital products
• Orbit geometry analysis
Flight Dynamics Application Layer:
• Maintenance of elements of the Flight Dynamics Application Layer
Flight Dynamics System Development:
• Specification and implementation of modifications, enhancements and additions to existing software elements
• Participation in tests
• Set-up procedures
• Flight Dynamics (Sub-)System configuration
• Coordination of internal and external interfaces and activities across subsystems
In addition to having a university degree in a relevant engineering field, astronomy, mathematics or physics, you shall have covered until now as many topics as follows:
Essential skills are:
• Very good skills in linear algebra, in particular for problem solving related to geometry in the Euclidean 3–dimensional space.
• Very good skills in calculus in one or several variables.
• Skills in numerical methods for:
-equations solving,
-integration of differential equations,
-function approximation and interpolation,
-linear algebra problems.
• Very good skills in classical mechanics, including:
-kinematics and dynamics of point masses,
-dynamics of rigid bodies,
-dynamics expressed in non-inertial reference frames
-conservation laws in mechanics,
-gravitational forces and field,
-orbit dynamics, keplerian orbits and Kepler laws.
• Ability to define, implement, validate and operate software which applies the above solutions, using C++ as main programming language; knowledge of Unix/Linux, scripting languages and Fortran 77/95/2003 is a valuable an asset.
• Will to take operational responsibility in multi-discipline teams.
• Fluency in English, both in speech and writing.
• Coordinate and interact with other service providers in operations and other fields.
• Ability to work independently.
Desirable skills are:
• Being familiar with different representations of rotation in 3D, thus including the representation of S/C attitude (cosine direction matrix, Euler symmetric parameters/ quaternions, Euler-angles …) is an asset.
• Ability to solve mechanics problems via analytical mechanics methods (e.g. lagrangian formulation) is a valuable asset.
• Familiarity with the ESOC environment.
• Familiarity/experience with Flight Dynamics operations engineering tasks.
• Experience dealing with external interfaces.
• Experience with Linux, network services and protocols, and system administration
• The ability to multi-task efficiently; working on multiple activities, multiple subsystems and if applicable multiple missions simultaneously.
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