Instrument Chain Engineer for Future Copernicus Sentinel Missions

Darmstadt, Germany, EUMETSAT [VN19/48]

Field(s) of expertise
Aerospace Engineering Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
Job type

About this job

EUMETSAT is already involved in the development and operations of the Copernicus Sentinel 3, 4, 5 and 6 missions in cooperation with ESA and is now contributing to phase A/B studies for future High Priority Candidate Copernicus Sentinel missions of relevance to its mandate, in particular a CO2 monitoring mission (CO2M) it will also operate.

Reporting to the Project Manager for Future Copernicus Sentinel Missions, the Instrument Engineer will follow-up the design and development of the optical (from visible to short wave infrared) CO2M instruments, simulators, algorithms and Level 1 ground prototype processors and support the EUMETSAT appropriation of information that is critical to the development of data processing chains and satellite operations.


  • Follow-up the evolutions of performance and operability requirements of the CO2M instruments in cooperation with ESA, and support the assessment of compliance with mission and system-level requirements;
  • Follow-up the ESA-led design and end-to-end development of the instruments, analyse and assess results of on-ground calibration, testing and qualification and support the assessment of the implications of non-conformances at system and data processing level;
  • Follow-up the design and development of the instruments simulators, algorithms and Level 1 ground prototype processors, assess their consistency with the instrument design and development and their suitability to support the development of operational Level 1 processing chains;
  • Participate in system, satellite and instrument reviews as appropriate;
  • In coordination with the ESA and EUMETSAT Mission/Project Scientists co-convening the CO2M Mission Advisory Group (MAG):
    • Attend MAG meetings as an observer and contribute to agreed actions;
    • Support the definition of requirements for calibration, commissioning and validation of Level 1 products;
    • Support the definition of a joint ESA-EUMETSAT calibration and validation plan, and the identification of respective and shared contributions and of those required from third parties;
  • Assess the relevance of the instrument-dedicated tools developed by ESA for the purpose of in-orbit verifications to the commissioning of Level 1 products;
  • Assess the need and define requirements for additional tools needed for calibration, commissioning and validation of Level 1 products, and follow-up and support the development of agreed tools;
  • Follow-up the ESA-led assessment of in-orbit performances of the instruments during Satellite In Orbit Validation Tests;
  • Support commissioning of instruments and end-to-end operability and performance validation;
  • Support commissioning Level 1 products and the implementation of the calibration-validation plan;
  • Support reporting to EUMETSAT Member States.


  • Engineering experience in the design and development of optical observation or space science instrument chains, including derivation of algorithm for instrument data processing;
  • Experience with grating spectrometers in the visible to shortwave infrared range would be a distinct advantage;
  • Excellent team-working, communication and presentation skills
  • Pro-active attitude and the ability to work autonomously with a minimum of supervision

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