EGO is looking to recruit a talented and innovative developer to work within its IT Department and in close relationship with the Director’s European Programmes office.
One-year (renewable for one year) contract as “Tecnologo” (Technologist), according to the “Contratto Collettivo di Lavoro del Personale EGO” (EGO personnel collective bargaining agreement). Upon satisfactory working performances, at the end of the 2-year period, the possibility of a permanent contact will be considered.
The earliest possible after October, 1st 2020.
The successful candidate will be a key contributor to the ESCAPE (European Science Cluster of Astronomy & Particle physics ESFRI research infrastructures) ( project. ESCAPE is an EU-funded project in the context of the Horizon 2020 Work Program. The chief objective of ESCAPE is to establish a single collaborative cluster of next generation ESFRI facilities in the area of astronomy- and accelerator-based particle physics, in order to implement a functional link between the concerned ESFRI projects and the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).
In parallel, the successful candidate will also work within the AHEAD2020 project (, which aims to integrate the high-energy astrophysics community, including gravitational waves (GW), into a coherently acting multi-messenger consortium. On the GW side, the main enabler for having the GW observatories participating in Multi-Messenger Astronomy (MMA) is the low-latency detection of GW signals and the prompt distribution of alerts. MMA is inherently a distributed task requiring low-latency computation and communication and quality of data from the gravitational-wave detectors; along with the exchange of candidate-event descriptions and validation.
The successful candidate will also work on customised processing and workflows, interfacing with the underlying distributed, large-scale computing infrastructure tuned to the needs of the Gravitational Waves observatory Network (IGWN) (EGO/Virgo, LIGO, KAGRA, etc).
In particular, the successful candidate will contribute:
Ability to work in a team within an international and multidisciplinary environment.
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