The European Gravitational Observatory (EGO) is seeking a motivated physicist/engineer to join its data science team. EGO is a French-Italian consortium founded by INFN and CNRS to foster European collaboration in gravitational wave research. EGO is located in Cascina, near Pisa – Italy, and hosts and operates the gravitational wave detector Virgo, a 3 km-long laser interferometer (ITF). Virgo and the two LIGO ITFs in the US are the most large and sensitive gravitational-wave detecting instruments in the world: in 2017 their joint detection of a binary neutron star merger ushered the dawn of Multi-Messenger Astronomy. The Virgo detector involves the collaboration of about 25 laboratories with more than 300 scientists, engineers and technicians in France, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Hungary and Spain.
The selected candidate will work with the data science team and the Informatics Technology Department, in close relationship with the Directorate European Programs office, in the context of the EU funded citizen’s science program REINFORCE (Research Infrastructures FOR Citizens in Europe) aiming to minimize the knowledge gap between Large Research Infrastructures and Society through Citizen Science. It aims to engage and support citizens to cooperate with researchers and actively contribute in the development of new knowledge for the needs of science and society. In parallel s(he) will work for the EU funded AHEAD2 integrated action, aiming to integrate the high-energy astrophysics community into a coherently acting multi-messenger consortium including the gravitational waves (
She/he will collaborate with other EGO teams, Virgo; LIGO and KAGRA collaboration members. In particular:
Essential required qualifications and experience:
Desired qualifications and experience:
One or more of the following will be an asset:
The successful candidate will also have the ability to:
Prior experience of working on and reporting within an EU-funded programs and/or within a large research infrastructure would also be an asset.
General requirements:
One-year (renewable for one year) contract.
For information on how the personal data in your application is processed, please see the European Gravitational Observatory Privacy Policy.