Enhancing Tasking Framework with Means to Compute the Worst-Case Execution Time of Real-Time On-board Software Systems

Braunschweig, Germany, DLR Institute of Space Systems [44150]

Field(s) of expertise
Software Engineering Information Technology
Job type

About this job

Your Mission:

Tasking Framework is an event-driven execution platform for real-time on-board software systems. It is developed and used to modularize the implementation of space missions and improve the reusability. Tasking Framework gives the software developer the ability to implement their applications as task graphs with arbitrary activation patterns (periodic, aperiodic and sporadic). It is written in C++ following the event-driven programming paradigm, and supports multithreading programming.

Spacecraft are usually classified as safety-critical systems and therefore they follow the hard real-time model, in which a task has to meet its deadline or otherwise catastrophic consequences may occur. Analyzing real-time systems to provide timing guarantees is a continues research topic, therefore, there exist a dozen of timing analysis tools to compute the Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET), and provide guarantees on the Worst-Case Response Time (WCRT). OTAWA, for instance, is an Open Toolbox for Adaptive WCET Analysis. It has been designed to host algorithms resulting from research in the domain of WCET analysis so that they can be combined to compute tight WCET estimates. OTAWA comes as a C++ library that can be used to develop WCET analysis tools.


In this work, we aim to use a WCET analysis tool, e.g., OTAWA, to compute the WCET of tasks implemented using Tasking Framework. In practice, you will have the following tasks to carry out:

  • address the state-of-the-art WCET analysis
  • enhance Tasking Framework with means to compute WCET
  • conduct experiments to illustrate the Tasking Framework overhead
  • write a master thesis


  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or in a relevant technical field.
  • good knowledge of timing analysis, e.g., computing the WCET and WCRT.
  • good knowledge of C++.
  • you are able to communicate in English (supervision will be in English).
  • good experience with Eclipse is of advantage.

Your benefits:

Look forward to a fulfilling job with an employer who appreciates your commitment and supports your personal and professional development. Our unique infrastructure offers you a working environment in which you have unparalled scope to develop your creative ideas and accomplish your professional objectives. Our human resources policy places great value on a healthy family and work-life-balance as well as equal opportunities for persons of all genders (m/f/non-binary). Individuals with disabilities will be given preferential consideration in the event their qualifications are equivalent to those of other candidates.

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